Emma & Paul – Watford Registry Office

Photos from Emma & Paul’s wedding photos at Watford Registry Office and Cheslyn Gardens, Nascot Wood, Watford.

Emma and the wonderful parasol, Cheslyn Gardens, Watford

Emma and the wonderful parasol, Cheslyn Gardens, Watford

Bride and groom at Watford Register Office
Emma and Paul’s wedding, Watford Registry Office

Emma and Paul’s wedding, Watford Registry Office

Bride and mum, Watford, Herts

Mother-of-the-bride & bride, Watford Registry Office

Emma & Paul’s wedding photos

Emma & Paul’s wedding

Emma & Paul’s wedding – and the parasol

Emma & Paul’s wedding – and the parasol

Wedding photos at Cheslyn Gardens, Watford

Emma & Paul’s wedding, Cheslyn Gardens, Watford

Emma & Paul, Cheslyn Gardens, Watford

Emma & Paul’s wedding, Cheslyn Gardens, Watford

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