Face painting for birthday parties, school fairs & events

Check if I’m free for face painting & glitter tattoos on your party or event date, and for prices
Phone or message 07971 813850, pix@blueorangeimages.co.uk or 01923 350596. Edna
I’m a Watford face painter, I’d love to give you a price for facepainting in Watford, Abbots Langley, Bushey, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire & North London – this is just a few of the places we’ve worked, please contact us even if your town or village isn’t listed.
Face painting options include girls & boys themes, hands, film and cartoon characters, super heroes, cheeks, glitter, butterflies, Watford Football Club logo and England flags, Frozen and other Disney themes, animals including tigers, lions, cats, spiders and fish. Just let us know what you’d like us to do for your party.
Face painting questions
I’ve made a page of questions (FAQS) that parents and events people often ask, click here to hopefully(!) have your questions answered – please contact us if you don’t find your answer.

Glitter tattoos
By popular demand I’m now doing glitter tattoos. I’ve got various designs for children to choose from, including ones for girls and boys.
Birthday parties
We love doing face painting for birthday parties – please contact us to book us and with any questions.
Love Pinterest? I do!
Click to see more of my facepainting on Pinterest.
Need more than one face painter?
I have other face painters that I can take along with me if you are expecting a lot of children at your party or event.

Blue Orange Images face painting: rainbow cat design
Contact Edna for availability and prices – 01923 350596, 07971 813850 or email

Blue Orange Images face painting: ladybird design

Blue Orange Images face painting: body flower design
School fairs & events
For schools or events please contact us to discuss pricing options – we’re flexible.
Here are some ways that we work:
- we can pay you for a table and charge per face
- you can pay us and we do the face painting for free
School fairs & events
Prices start from £105. Please contact me on 01923 350596, text or phone 07971 813850 or
pix@blueorangeimages.co.uk to find out if we’re available for your party date, Edna Williamson

Blue Orange Images face painting: here’s how I often set up for a party or event, parents often say that I’m really fast. I also make my own ‘facepainting cakes’ – the multicoloured face paints that make lovely colourful gradients. I’m always happy for parents to phone and discuss their parties with me.
If you want an Watford face painter (also Hemel Hempstead, St Albans and plenty of other place in Herts, Beds, Bucks & North London.), I could be the woman that you want.
I have a large selection of glitter tattoos too – lots of designs from super heroes to animals, fairies and princess styles.