I had a phone call recently from a woman who had been told she needed a biometric passport photo for a German passport application.
She didn’t know what was required, I could confirm that the Blue Orange Images passports are biometric, but realised that while people know that ‘biometric passports’ exist, they probably don’t know what they are.
So here’s some some information about biometric passports, as it might worry people – thinking that the passport they send to their passport office might not be acceptable.

Biometrics are simply measurements of physical characteristics. A biometric photo is created based on precise facial feature measurements of a person. A good, clear well lit passport photo is needed for those measurements to be made.

The biometric passport logo which appears on the front cover of biometric passports, it’s gold on a British passport.
How do you know you’ve got a biometric passport?
You can tell if your passport is biometric is by looking at the cover. A small, gold camera logo at the bottom lets you know it’s biometric. Also, the technology held within a biometric passport has become so advanced and the components so small that you can’t feel any lumps or ridges at all.
Blue Orange Images passport photos, visa photos and ID photos are biometric
Contact 0777 999 1551, 01923 350596 or pix@blueorangeimages.co.uk to book your passport photo.